
Can a Herniated Disc Cause Permanent Nerve Damage?


The spine is made up of a series of small bones known as vertebrae that are separated by spinal discs. These discs provide cushion and shock absorption so that your bones don’t rub against one another. Spinal discs have a tough outer shell with a soft and gel-like inside known as the nucleus. When a spinal disc becomes damaged, injured, or aggravated, it can lead to a condition known as disc herniation. The most common parts of the spine for a disc herniation to occur are the neck and lower back, though they can occur anywhere along the spine. The location of the disc herniation will determine what type of symptoms you experience and where.

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Nerves run along the spine and help send signals from your brain to the rest of your body. When a herniated disc occurs, the outer shell is cracked and the gel-like center can bulge out of its normal space and put pressure on nearby nerve roots. A compressed nerve root is what typically will send pain signals, letting you know something is wrong. You might be wondering, “can a herniated disc cause permanent nerve damage?” The longer a disc herniation goes untreated, the more severe your symptoms will get and the more likely it is to experience nerve damage.

Common Causes of a Disc Herniation

There are several reasons why you may develop a disc herniation in your lifetime. Here are four examples of common causes of disc herniation:

Gradual Wear and Tear

As you age, gradual wear and tear on the body can weaken spinal discs. The spinal discs can also start to lose their elasticity and become more prone to cracks or tears in the tough outer shell.

Sudden Spinal Injury

A sudden injury to the spine can also result in disc herniation. Spinal injuries sustained in car accidents or slip and fall accidents can damage spinal discs and vertebrae. Whiplash is a common car accident injury that can lead to a disc herniation.

Overuse Injury

Repetitive movements like lifting heavy objects or certain sports movements can put a lot of strain on your spine. If a spinal disc becomes damaged over time, it can end up compressing a nearby nerve and causing disc herniation symptoms.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease can develop in older-aged adults where spinal discs become dried out and brittle. As spinal discs lose their elasticity and flexibility, they can slip out of their normal positioning and affect nearby nerves.

How a Disc Herniation Affects Your Nerves

rest of the body. A disc herniation in your neck can cause painful symptoms like stabbing pain and a pins and needles sensation that travels through your shoulder and into your arm. Similar symptoms may occur with a disc herniation in the lower back, though the symptoms will typically be present through the hip, buttocks, and into your leg and foot. Unfortunately, a herniated disc can’t resolve on its own, which means it can continue to aggravate and compress nearby nerves until you receive effective treatment. Permanent nerve damage can occur when a herniated disc applies too much pressure, and you end up losing feeling in that nerve completely. If you have experienced disc herniation symptoms for a long time without treatment, then the damage could become permanent.

Treatment Options for a Disc Herniation

The risk of a disc herniation causing permanent nerve damage can prompt you to visit your chiropractor as soon as possible. Whether you are suffering from a disc herniation after a car accident or slip and fall, there are safe and effective treatment options available to help you experience lasting relief. Chiropractic care offers all-natural and non-invasive treatment techniques for disc herniation and subsequent nerve damage. Chiropractors can work with you to gently resolve misalignments of the vertebrae and spinal discs to help alleviate pressure on nearby nerves. Stretches and exercises may also help as you regain your strength and mobility after an accident.

Visit The Accident Doctors to find a car accident chiropractor near you so you can get started on treatment for a disc herniation before you risk nerve damage.