
Can Stretching Help Alleviate Car Accident Pain?


You don’t have to suffer serious injuries in a car accident in order to visit a car accident doctor for pain and discomfort after the event. Pain and discomfort after a car accident are common and can be symptoms of an injury or your body’s reaction to the stressful event and the strain on your body. Muscle aches and soreness are common after your body has been jolted and jostled around in a car accident. Thankfully, there are many ways to safely and effectively approach pain management after a car accident. One way to help alleviate car accident pain is by stretching your sore, aching muscles. As you work through your recovery after a car accident, you want to help your body heal. Check out these tips on soreness and pain management after a car accident, along with stretches that can help alleviate your pain and discomfort.

Soreness After a Car Accident

Soreness after a car accident is very common. When you are in an accident, your body can tense up in reaction to the traumatic event. The force of impact from a car accident can also cause you to get shaken and jostled around, which can put a lot of stress and strain on your body. You may also notice more pain and soreness in your head, neck, and upper back after a car accident. While your body is held secure by a seat belt from shoulder to hip, there is nothing to prevent your head and neck from getting jolted back and forth. This can result in soreness and tenderness in the muscles that support your head, neck, and shoulders.

Pain Management After a Car Accident

Along with minor injuries like scrapes and bruises, you may also suffer more serious injuries from a car accident. Your car accident doctor can talk to you about pain management options to help you as you recover. A car accident can be a shock to your whole system, so you want to take the necessary precautions to support the healing process. Take time to rest immediately after the accident and allow your body to jumpstart its natural healing process. Drink lots of fluids after a car accident because staying hydrated can help keep your muscles from tightening and becoming more painful.

3 Stretches to Help Alleviate Car Accident Pain

Light stretches and exercises can help alleviate car accident pain. Talk to your car accident doctor or physical therapist about safe, gentle, and effective stretches to help you recover. Here are 3 examples of stretches that can help alleviate car accident pain:

Head Tilts

Neck pain after an accident is common. Try head tilts to help gently relieve your pain and encourage your recovery process. Sit or stand with proper posture and look straight ahead. Then gently tilt your chin to your chest while taking a deep breath in and out. Move back to looking straight ahead before gently tilting your chin up the sky with a deep breath in and out. Repeat these head tilts slowly and gently to help stretch out your sore neck muscles.

Shoulder Rolls

Sit up straight, take a deep breath in, and gently relax your shoulders as you exhale. From this posture, you can then roll your shoulders backward, bringing them first up and then moving them behind you. Then roll your shoulders forward toward your chest. Repeat these movements slowly and gently to help stretch out your shoulders and upper back muscles.

Trunk Twists

While sitting with your legs crossed in front of you, place your left hand in front of you and gently twist to your right until your right hand can reach behind you. Then try this again with opposite hands and the opposite direction. These trunk twists can help stretch out your whole back muscles.

Stretching can help keep your muscles loose so they don’t become too stiff and painful after a car accident. It is important to balance rest and light movements to keep your muscles from stiffening and tightening. Find a car accident doctor near you by visiting the Accident Doctors online and get started on a pain management treatment plan to help you recover after a car accident.