
How Much Is a Back Injury Worth in a Car Accident?


When the body endures the impact from a car accident, the spine is left extremely vulnerable to injuries. While the spine is strong and complex, it also relies on many parts working in harmony, and even simple collisions can lead to serious injuries. In addition to dealing with your injuries at your preferred car accident clinic, you will likely also be involved in conversations with insurance companies and lawyers to discuss claims and potential settlements. Just like any other injuries, back injuries from a car accident can vary widely, meaning settlements can as well.

Common Back Injuries from Car Accidents

Because of the spine’s complexity, it can be injured in a number of ways in a car crash, depending on the type and speed of impact. Below are some of the most common back injuries sustained in accidents and treated at car accident clinics, many of which often result in settlements.

Herniated Discs: Between each vertebra, there are soft and gel-like discs that serve as a cushion and a way to reduce friction in the spine. If the spine is jolted suddenly, these discs can be moved out of place or even rupture, leading to pressure on the surrounding nerves that causes pain in the lower back and neck.

Breaks and fractures: A broken back is an extremely serious injury, but small fractures throughout the spine can also cause issues. Fractures can occur in the spine or the neck and cause back issues.

Spinal stenosis: If your spinal canal is already starting to narrow, the impact of a car accident can cause it to turn into spinal stenosis and become a painful issue that needs extensive medical care.

Spinal cord injuries: Even a low-speed accident can cause damage to the spinal cord, causing it to become bruised, cut, or severed because of the force. If something more serious occurs and the spinal cord is lacerated or severed it can cause permanent paralysis.

Factors That Affect Your Settlement

Even though many people suffer similar accidents, they will not all receive similar settlements for their injuries, even if they receive treatment at a car accident clinic. A number of factors will go into determining your settlement based on your unique situation. Some of those factors include:

  • Type of Injury: Different injuries will vary in severity, from headaches to broken bones, and the impact on your life will reflect that. Injuries that cause you to miss work or become permanently disabled may have higher settlements.
  • Medical Care: Much of your settlement will be based on the amount of medical care you need to receive. The longer and more intense a treatment protocol is, the more your settlement may be in order to cover costs.
  • Ability to Work: If you are rendered unable to work because of your injury, a settlement will need to reflect your lost wages until you are able to return to work. If you are not able to return to work as a result of a permanent disability, this may increase your settlement as well.
  • Insurance Coverage: Settlements are ultimately decided by insurance companies, and unfortunately someone being uninsured or underinsured can affect your settlement. Having a good plan to rely on can help you get more coverage on medical bills and lost income during your accident.
  • Your Legal Case: Not all accidents are clear cut in terms of who is at fault and who is a victim. Insurance companies will often try to undercut your case to deny coverage, so any evidence you have to back up your claim can impact your settlement.
  • Statute of Limitations: Each state has a time limit on filing a personal injury lawsuit, usually in the range of a few years. If you do not file before this time, you may forfeit your right to compensation.

The Bottom Line

There is no solid number for the worth of a back injury. People have received anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions depending on a wide variety of factors. What we do know is that proper documentation of the accident scene and medical records are crucial in helping to make a case for a settlement.

Just like a lawyer looks out for your best interests during an insurance claim, a doctor at a car accident clinic that specializes in your types of injuries will ensure you have the right information to back up your claim. Diagnostic scans, medical records, and recorded treatment protocols can all help you increase your chances of winning compensation in a claim.