
Most Common Knee-Related Car Accident Injuries


Car accidents occur every day, but you never think it will happen to you! Unfortunately, with so many car accidents come car accident injuries. From mild scrapes and bruises to severe injuries, drivers and passengers are susceptible to a wide range of issues and concerns after a car accident. One common area of the body that gets injured during a car accident is the knees. The knees of the driver and front-seat passenger are more vulnerable to injury when the sudden force of impact causes the knees to slam into the dashboard or steering wheel. The knee joint involves a complex combination of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that all work together. When one part of the knee is damaged, it can affect the healthy functioning and mobility of your legs.

3 Most Common Knee-Related Car Accident Injuries

Here are three examples of knee-related car accident injuries and their symptoms.

Torn Meniscus

The meniscus is cartilage in the knee that helps provide shock absorption for the joint. The sudden jolt of a car accident can cause the knee to shift and the meniscus to tear. The common symptoms of a torn meniscus include sudden knee pain, swelling and inflammation, and a clicking sound when trying to extend the knee.

Dislocated Patella

The kneecap is more formerly known as the patella, and a violent jolt to the knee and leg can cause the patella to dislocate. This can make it difficult to extend and flex your knee without significant pain and discomfort. When the patella dislocates, it can cause sudden swelling in the area, and you may be unable to walk. In some cases, the kneecap may go back into place by itself, while in other cases, you may need medical assistance.

Torn Ligaments

There are several main ligaments that provide support and stability to the knee joint, including the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), MCL (medial collateral ligament), and the PCL posterior cruciate ligament). The most commonly torn ligament from a car accident is the PCL and is also sometimes referred to as “dashboard knee.” If the front of your knee slams into the dashboard or part of the car during the accident, it can cause pain, tenderness, swelling, and stiffness.

Treatment Options for Knee-Related Car Accident Injuries

Any type of injury to the knee will cause some amount of pain and discomfort afterward. Visit a car accident doctor as soon as possible to get the proper treatment and care you need to begin the healing process. Your car accident doctor may utilize diagnostic imaging tools like an X-ray to get a clearer look at the damage to the joint and rule out other, more severe injuries. For mild and minor injuries, your doctor may recommend you practice the R.I.C.E. recovery plan: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Resting the knee and restricting movement give your knee time to heal. Icing the area helps address swelling and inflammation and also provides a soothing numbing effect. Your doctor may also recommend a wrap or knee brace to help with swelling and also help stabilize the area. Elevating your knee by propping it up on a pillow can also help reduce swelling and improve circulation to the area.

Recovering from a Knee Injury After a Car Accident

Some knee-related car accident injuries may require more invasive procedures like surgery to effectively treat the injury. Ligament tears, tendon ruptures, and fractures may require surgical intervention. If surgery is required, then you will want to be mindful of the recovery process after a knee injury. Part of recovering from a knee injury may include working with your car accident doctor on a plan for rehabilitation. Regaining strength and mobility after a knee injury is vital to a full recovery. Your doctor can talk to you about stretches and exercises to help strengthen and stabilize the knee joint and to help prevent future injury. These activities can also help improve your range of motion and get you back on your feet again.

Visit The Accident Doctors to find a car accident doctor near you who can provide you with comprehensive treatment and care to recover from a knee injury.