
Ringing in Ears After a Car Accident


Have you ever experienced a ringing or noise in your ears when you know there isn’t something nearby making that noise? Perhaps you have been to a loud concert before and noticed the strange buzzing, ringing sound for a little while afterward. You might be surprised to learn that this type of ringing in your ears can also occur after a car accident. Ringing in the ears can be a symptom of many types of car accident injuries, including whiplash and other head and neck injuries. Ringing in the ears after a car accident is known as tinnitus and can also be accompanied by other symptoms, including pain, dizziness, and disorientation. If you were recently in a car accident, be sure to tell your doctor if you have noticed ringing in one or both ears.

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the medical term for what many people refer to as ringing in the ears when nothing externally is causing that sound and you are the only one who can hear it. Ringing in ears can vary from a low roar to a high-pitched squeal. You may also experience tinnitus as more of a buzzing or hissing sound. Some people also experience tinnitus as a humming or clicking sound. Tinnitus can occur continuously or may come and go. The pitch and intensity of the ringing in your ears may change with certain movements and head positions. Some people notice ringing in the ears after a car accident very briefly, and it can go away on its own. For others, tinnitus may become aggravating and even disruptive to daily life.

How a Car Accident Can Cause Tinnitus

Trauma to the head or neck can negatively affect the inner ear, nerves that control hearing, and also areas of the brain that control hearing. Here are examples of car accident injuries that may have tinnitus as a symptom:

Head Injury

A head injury can occur during a car accident because your head and neck are not restrained by safety features like the seat belt that protects the trunk of your body. The sudden jolt and jostling from a car accident can cause you to hit your head on the window, dashboard, or another part of the car. A blow to the head can cause a wide range of symptoms, including tinnitus.

Neck Injury

Neck injuries are also common with car accidents because of how the force of impact can affect your head and neck. The spine in your neck connects to the brain stem, and this area can become injured or damaged, disrupting key nervous system functioning. Damage to nerves that control hearing can lead to symptoms like tinnitus.

Jaw Injury

An injury to the jaw can also lead to tinnitus. A sudden blow to the jaw, like hitting the side of your head against part of the vehicle, can damage this hinge joint and lead to significant pain. The jaw starts near the outer ear and damage to the area can cause discomfort, difficulty chewing, ear and facial pain, and tinnitus.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Tinnitus

Like the brain, the inner ear is fragile, and damage to the area can cause symptoms that can disrupt your normal functioning. Head and neck trauma can lead to symptoms like dizziness, nausea, neck pain, and ringing in the ears. You will need to see a car accident doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause of your symptoms so you can have the proper diagnosis. Whether the car accident seemed minor or not, if you are experiencing pain and discomfort after an accident, you should get evaluated as soon as possible. Your car accident doctor will examine your ears, head, and neck, to check for injuries and test functioning. Common tests your doctor may use include a hearing exam, imaging tests, and asking you to perform certain movements. Once your car accident doctor has determined the root cause of your tinnitus, they can develop a treatment plan to address your car accident injuries. Treatment options for car accident injuries may include pain management, chiropractic care, and physical therapy. There are many benefits of seeing a car accident doctor. Visit The Accident Doctors online to find a car accident doctor near you and get started on treatment for your car accident injuries as soon as possible.