
Top 8 Injuries a Car Accident Clinic Treats


Our bodies are not designed to withstand force as strong as the one in even a minor car accident. Even a small crash can lead to serious damage to the body that requires care from a medical professional. Car accident clinics have usually seen everything from the most minor cuts to life-threatening injuries, but there are a number of injuries they see nearly every day. Below are some of the most common injuries treated by specialists at car accident clinics

Bruising and Contusions

Even a very minor car accident can lead to bruises and other surface injuries. A mild collision can cause you to move against your seatbelt, which locks up to keep you safe, leaving you with a bruise. You may also hit an arm or leg against part of the car, causing bruises. These are rarely serious injuries and usually, heal on their own, but it can be good to check and make sure these aren’t signs of internal injuries or bruising.


The impact of a car accident often causes the body to move in speeds and directions that it is not naturally meant to, leading to injuries. In cases of whiplash, impact causes your head to move forward and backward in an almost violent manner that damages the tissues in your neck. When these tissues strain or tear, you may experience pain and stiffness in the neck. This can be painful and have a several-week-long recovery, but with proper treatment, it usually resolves. Here are some of the common signs and symptoms of whiplash.


During a crash, it is easy to hit your head on various parts of the car, whether it is the dashboard or the window. Any loose items in your car may also fly around on impact and hit the head. These forces can lead to a concussion, a mild form of traumatic brain injury. Concussions can lead to simple pain like headaches, or temporary cognitive problems such as memory loss, trouble concentrating, or fatigue. While concussions usually resolve without issue, any head injury should be checked out by a car accident clinic to rule out anything more serious.

Other Traumatic Brain Injuries

When the brain is injured in a way more serious than a concussion, it is still referred to as a traumatic brain injury. In serious cases, these injuries can alter the way your brain functions, handles information and processes emotions. Many brain injuries can be healed, but treatment can be lifelong. A car accident clinic will always want to rule out serious head injuries before beginning other treatments.

Broken Bones

Nearly any bone in your body can break during a car accident, though certain ones are most likely. Arms are often pinned between your body and the door, or if you raise your arms to brace yourself they can hit a hard surface and snap. Ribs are also often broken due to the force of the seatbelt against the body. Broken bones are rarely life-threatening, but the severity can vary and some fractures may even require surgery to set the bone.

Internal Bleeding

Seatbelts are designed to protect you and they save lives every day. However, they can still lead to certain injuries. When the body presses against the seatbelt, it can cause pressure on the abdomen. This may bruise the area, but in serious cases it can impact the organs, bruising them or even causing them to bleed. This can be a serious condition that requires life-saving surgery, so a car accident clinic will send you for emergency care if they suspect this is the case.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Even if you haven’t sustained any bodily injuries, the emotional impact of your accident can have lasting damage. Some people will be scared of driving after their accident or have flashbacks to the event, causing sleeping issues or anxiety. A car accident clinic will also be able to help you address these emotional problems and move on from your accident.

Knee Injuries

You may not think about your knees during an accident, but it is actually common to see knee injuries at a car accident clinic. For those sitting in the front seat, it is common for the knees to collide with the dashboard, which can shatter the bones or cause other injuries. The ligaments in the knees can also be damaged by this impact.