
Types of Car Accident Headaches Chiropractors Can Help With


Most of us have had headaches multiple times in our lives and can easily identify them. However, we do not always distinguish between types of headaches on a daily basis. But after a car accident, we tend to be on high alert and more likely to notice how and where our head hurts. When seeking treatment for headaches after a car accident, it can be important to share with your doctor what types of things you notice about your symptoms, as there are different types of headaches you may be suffering from. By understanding the type of headache you have, your doctor will be better able to diagnose your underlying injury and treat the root cause.

How Chiropractic Helps Headaches

Even when they haven’t been in a car accident, many people seek out chiropractic care to help with headaches as it is a proven method of relief. Many headaches are caused by issues originating in the spine, including poor posture, neck problems, or general misalignment of the vertebrae. A chiropractor’s main tool is an adjustment, or manual spinal manipulation, in which they move the spine towards full alignment. This can have a direct impact on headaches by allowing the neck to better support the head, removing tension and pain.

Additionally, an aligned spine allows the body’s central nervous system to function optimally. The central nervous system facilitates messages from the body’s nerves to the rest of the body, including the brain and head, relieving a number of causes of pain.

Types of Headaches After a Car Accident

Post-Traumatic Headaches

This is a general term for headaches brought on by trauma to the head and neck during a car accident, fall, or another injury. In these cases, pain usually begins in the neck and radiates upwards before presenting as a headache. It is not uncommon for these headaches to appear days or even weeks after the initial event, once the adrenaline has worn off.

Concussion Headaches

A concussion is an injury to the brain that is usually caused by a blow to the head or a sudden, violent jolt that impacts the way the brain works. These movements can cause the brain to strike the skull and become bruised. The headaches brought on by a concussion are often similar to migraine headaches, including nausea and sensitivity to light.

Whiplash Headaches

When the soft tissue in the neck and shoulders is damaged as a result of a sudden back and forth movement, this is known as whiplash. A headache can be an early sign of whiplash, and will usually begin at the base of the skull, accompanied by pain or stiffness in the neck. Like post-traumatic headaches, a whiplash-related headache is very likely to be delayed.

Fracture Headaches

If the skull or neck experiences a fracture, intense headaches can occur, beginning in the neck or back of the head and radiating to nearby areas. They may also be localized to the injury site and be accompanied by nausea, confusion, stiff neck, slurred speech, and even seizures.

Pinched Nerve Headaches

During an accident, compression of the spine or herniated discs can lead to spinal nerves becoming compressed at their root. This leads to irritation of the greater occipital nerve, which is located at the base of the skull, causing pain and tenderness up the back of the head.

Muscle Strain/Sprain Headaches

Even in the absence of severe trauma to the head or neck, any injury or strain to the surrounding muscles may lead to headaches after a car accident. This is especially likely if a sudden impact causes muscles in the head or neck to strain or spasm, and the headache may be accompanied by a reduced range of motion, pain during movement, tenderness, or swelling.

Treating Headaches After a Car Accident

 You may feel like a headache after a car accident is normal, even if it is just brought on by the stress of the event. While this may be true, headaches can have a range of causes, some of which are severe or even life-threatening forms of brain damage. These may not become clear until long after the accident without proper treatment.

After an accident, it is important to visit a chiropractor for a thorough evaluation. They can rule out these more severe injuries and determine the type of headache you are suffering from, then address the root cause and work towards relief.