
What You Need to Know About Post-Traumatic Headaches

What You Need to Know About Post-Traumatic Headaches

Everyone has experienced a headache before, but what about a headache that occurs after a car accident? A car accident is such a stressful and even traumatic experience that it is not uncommon to develop a headache due to the stress. When it comes to headaches after a car accident, there is typically a reason why your body is responding that way. Symptoms like headaches after a car accident are a way of letting you know that something isn’t functioning properly and some healing and recovery are needed. Post-traumatic headaches are one type of headache that may require treatment to help you feel better and fully recover from your injuries.

Types of Headaches After a Car Accident

There are several types of headaches you can experience after a car accident. Headaches after a car accident are common symptoms of injuries like whiplash, neck and back pain, and traumatic brain injuries like a concussion. Here are three examples of headaches after a car accident and what they might feel like.

Tension Headaches

You may experience tension headaches due to the stress and trauma of the incident. Our bodies brace for impact and also protect ourselves from further injury by tensing certain muscles. This can end up causing increased tension that can cause uncomfortable symptoms like headaches.


If you already have a history of migraines, then you may be more susceptible to developing a migraine after a car accident. All the jostling and jolting around during a car accident can put a lot of pressure and strain on your whole body. Migraines typically feel like painful headaches accompanied by symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.

Post-Traumatic Headaches

If you suffered a head injury during a car accident, then you may develop post-traumatic headaches. This type of headache occurs when blood flow to the head is restricted due to trauma and injury to the head and neck. These headaches feel similar to both tension headaches and migraines, and your car accident doctor can help you determine the difference.

Causes of Post-Traumatic Headaches

If you experience painful headaches after a car accident that feel like a pulsing or throbbing sensation, then you may have post-traumatic headaches. These types of headaches can also cause symptoms of nausea and vomiting, and symptoms may get worse when you try to move around. Other symptoms of post-traumatic headaches include dizziness, difficulty concentrating, sensitivity to light and sound, and even changes in mood. People who have suffered a head injury like a concussion during a car accident can experience post-traumatic headaches for days, weeks, or even months after the initial incident. Thankfully, there are ways to experience pain relief and treatment options to ease your discomfort.

3 Things to Know About Post-Traumatic Headaches

Post-traumatic headaches after a car accident can keep you from going about your usual routines or enjoying certain activities. There are treatment options available to help you manage and relieve the pain of post-traumatic headaches. Here are three things to know about recovering from post-traumatic headaches.

A traumatic brain injury can cause post-traumatic headaches after a car accident.

A concussion is the most common type of traumatic brain injury and common car accident injury. A blow to the head or hitting your head against part of the vehicle can cause pain and discomfort, as well as damage to your brain.

Treatment for a TBI can also help with post-traumatic headaches after a car accident.

Treating the root cause of your pain is the best way to get lasting pain relief. When you get treatment for a traumatic brain injury, your doctor will be able to address your specific symptoms, like post-traumatic headaches, while also treating your head injury. Damage to the blood vessels and nerves in and around the brain can lead to long-term problems if not treated properly and right away after a car accident.

Treatment for post-traumatic headaches after a car accident can be non-invasive.

Non-invasive treatment approaches like chiropractic care, manual therapy, and physical therapy offer more natural and conservative approaches to effectively managing your pain. In many cases, post-traumatic headaches and car accident injuries can be treated with these types of non-invasive methods and non-surgical practices for the best outcomes.

If you are experiencing painful headaches after a car accident, then visit The Accident Doctors near you to get the care and treatment you need for lasting pain relief.